Meet Our Clients
Access Midstream
Albian Sands
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.
Amerada Hess Corporation
Amoco Oil Co.
Anadarko Petroleum Co.
Anglo Gold North America
Apache Corp.
ARCO Oil & Gas Company
Arch Coal Inc.
Australian Mineral Foundation
Barr Engineering
Barrick Gold Corporation
Basin Electric Co.
BHP Minerals
Burlington Resources
Cambior Inc.
Casillas Energy
Chaparral Resources
Chesapeake Energy
Cloud Peak
Colorado Interstate Gas
Conoco Inc.
Continental Resources
CuuLong Joint Operating Co.
Cyprus Mineral Companies
Delta Airlines
Denbury Resources
Devon Energy
Diavik Mines Inc.
Dow Chemical Co.
Doyon Utilities
Dubai Petroleum Inc.
Duke Energy
Dyno Nobel
Echo Bay Minerals
E.I. DuPont Co.
Exxon (Intercor), Columbia
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)
Fleur de Lis Energy
Freeport McMoran
Greens Creek Mining
Hecla Mining
Hess Corporation
HighMount Exploration
Homestake Mining
INCO Limited
Kennecott Energy Company
Kerr McGee Corp.
Kinder Morgan
Kinder Morgan CO2
Kinross Gold
Kosmos Energy
Korean National Oil Company
Loyola University
Luscar Coal Co., Ltd.
Marathon Oil Company
Martin Marietta Co.
Merit Energy
Mibrag Coal
Midland College
Minera Escondida Ltd., Chile
Newfield Exploration
Newmont Mining, Nevada
Newmont Mining, Batu Hijau
North American Coal Company
"One of the most useful courses I have ever taken. Highly recommend!"
Occidental Petroleum
PanEnergy Corporation
Peabody Energy
PetroStar Energy Co.
Phillips 66
Pioneer Resources
Polish Academy of Sciences
P.T. Arutmin (BHP), Indonesia
Rio Tinto Energy
Rio Tinto Minerals
RMAG, (Division of AAPG)
Round Mountain Gold
Southern California Edison
Southern Natural Gas Co.
SPE, Bakersfield, CA
SSR Mining
Stone and Webster Inc.
Suncor Inc., Oil Sands Group
Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Texaco, Inc.
The Coteau Properties, Inc.
U.S. Bureau of Land Mgmt.
U.S. Bureau of Mines
Washington Gas
Western Gas Resources
WPX Energy

"This is the most life changing course I ever attended and well prepared too."